Feature in SUP Magazine
As weeks go this one shouldn’t have stood out as anything special; we’re updating our broadcast trailer, doing a pile of admin that’s been ignored while we worked on conferences and generally having a good old tidy up before our first UK based sporting event of the year in a couple of weeks time. However yesterday we had a lovely surprise, the postman delivered a gorgeous magazine which none of us remembered ordering (we’re a sucker for a good sports mag!). Fast forward to coffee time and flicking through the mag we find out that we’re featured as part of an article in Stand Up Paddle Mag UK. What a flipping brilliant surprise.
The article is all about James Fletcher and his World Record attempt for prone paddleboarding Loch Ness. You might have seen our blog about it last year but if not you can check it out here.
If you want to read the article or get any info on Stand Up Paddleboarding check out the SUP Magazine website here.